Greetings in Fijian
Your Language lesson for the day; a formal greeting
M: Ni Bula (Hello)
Y: Ni bula vinaka. (Hello and Thank you)
M: 'Oni bulabula vinaka? (Are you in good health?)
Y: Io, vakalailai. (yes, i'm ok)
So far, this looks like the next two years are going to be fantastic. Yes, the language might be a little tricky, but the other volunteers seem fantastic and the Peace Corps staff are great here. We have been in a hotel for the past two days doing orientation (i have never been so oriented in my life) but tomorrow we are leaving for our homestays! For the next 10 weeks, I will be in a village with 4 other volunteers getting trained on what we will be working on and speaking the next 2 years. I think this is going to be great.
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Response: best indexer softwareFantastic Web page, Maintain the wonderful work. With thanks.
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